Watch on demand
Now you can watch our keynote speakers and some of our brekout sessions from Nordic BIM Summit 2024 on demand.
Stockholm | Oslo | London | Online
We would like to thank all participants, partners and speakers who attended the Nordic BIM Summit 2024.
The day was filled with compelling conversations and inspiring keynotes led by industry thought leaders, networking and the opportunity to exchange ideas with our tech experts and partners.
Now you can watch our keynote speaker and some of the breakout sessions on demand.
Stockholm | Oslo | Online
Now you can watch our keynote speakers and some of our brekout sessions from Nordic BIM Summit 2024 on demand.
Who do you think has made the biggest achievements in BIM this year? Nominate the person or company that you think deserves to be recognized for Best New BIM Use, or Best Industry Collaboration
At Nordic BIM Summit 2023, the award for “Best New BIM Use” was given to Ramboll Norway for their work with introducing BIM to fire safety. A few months have passed since and we recently managed to catch up.