Nordic BIM Summit 2023

Let’s re-imagine business

24-25 April in Stockholm, Oslo and Online 

NORDIC BIM SUMMIT 2023 - it's a wrap!

The most important event for the Building and Infrastructure Industry.

A big thank you... everyone that participated in Stockholm, Oslo or online!

We had two fantastic days with inspiring speakers, networking with other professionals in the industry and with our partners. We hope to see you all again!


Join us live in Stockholm and Oslo to take part of the full agenda or connect online to listen to the keynote sessions.


Participate in breakout sessions, workshops and networking and hear the latest trends and visions for the future from industry experts.

Get inspired

Hear about inspiring and interesting customer projects within the industry.

Let's re-imagine business!

We've chosen 3 focus areas for this year's agenda to highlight sustainability & circularity, collaboration and productivity.


We dive in to how the building and infrastructure industry can have a more circular mindset: before, during and after a building’s lifetime. Which requirements can and should be put early on in project and how do we secure that we keep the original targets and how can we (re-) use more sustainable materials?

Let's find out!


With increased demands ranging from financial targets to sustainability requirements, collaboration within projects is becoming more and more important. How can we in a secure and compliant way share data? What if we want to reuse data from one project to another? What leadership is needed? ​

Let’s find out! ​


Driven by digitalisation we have access to a plethora of tools and yes, we have become more efficient. The next step is to ensure we not only work smarter within a given process but how we can design new ways of working to become more productive. Is it now time to take the next step on the BIM maturity curve? ​

Let’s find out! ​

The registration is closed

Nordic BIM Summit took place live in Stockholm, Oslo and our keynotes where streamed online.

To get the full Nordic BIM Summit experience and to take part in breakout sessions, workshops and networking, we recommend you to participate live in Stockholm or in Oslo.


Live in Stockholm or Oslo:
3400 SEK excl VAT.
Price includes participation at the Award Dinner.

500 SEK excl VAT

The registration for the event is closed.


We want to check the pulse regarding the topics that we will focus on during this year's event. Fill in our survey and get a discount of 500 SEK when you register. You fill in the code in the registration form.


Some sessions are available exclusivly for the audience participating live in Stockholm or in Oslo. Some sessions are streamed and available for our live audience in both cities as well as for those participating online. In the agenda the sessions are tagged to show the accessibility.

Session available for live audience in Stockholm. 

Session available for live audience in Oslo

Session is streamed and available for our live audience in both cities as well as for those participating online.

Day 1

CET (Central European Time)


Welcome to Nordic BIM Summit 2023

Per Carlsson welcomes you all to Nordic BIM Summit.


The Power of Innovation Ambition
How Going Deep With Innovation Can Attract Talents, Change an Industry, and Save the World

We will start the Nordic BIM Summit with a session where Alf will talk about the power of innovation and what it means for our industry and what we can learn from others.



Digitization strategy for a sustainable development

Cathrine Mørch will share how Statsbygg has developed a new digitization strategy for a sustainable development. She will talk about how she has worked to make the strategy a reality and the vital part of involving people in the process. 


The architect’s responsibility to bring sustainability into the construction industry

The building and construction industry accounts for approximately 40 percent of total greenhouse gas emissions. There is thus no doubt that sustainability is the industry's most important issue and will remain so in the future as well. This involves more than energy-efficient buildings and environmentally friendly material choices. We must have a circular understanding of the buildings, and here is where the architects both have a responsibility as well as an opportunity. How can architects step into the breach to create a more sustainable architecture with a cradle-to-cradle perspective. And how can we lead the owners/construction clients in the same direction?



Solutions for the makers of a zero-carbon future

The built environment is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions where the role of building materials is increasing. Mikko and Panu will open up the targets of Symetri and One Click LCA partnership and discuss how to help the designers to drive decarbonization and how to reach the requirements set by regulations and green building certifications efficiently. 



Panel discussion

More info to come. 




Breakout sessions

Session: Project Fornebubanen: Interaction across companies and national borders through the cloud
. Speaker: Angie Mendez, A-lab and Zrinka Radic, Zaha Hadid Architects
This session will focus on the collaborative processes used on Fornebu and Fornebuporten metro stations in Oslo. The talk will showcase how full integration of BIM and cloud allowed project teams to seamlessly collaborate and coordinate through different stages of the project, regardless of their location. The presentation will highlight the benefits of using latest technologies to improve the design process, including increased efficiency and reduced errors, with improved communication among team members. The talk will also showcase how BIM facilitated complex design elements and the importance of the information attached to them.

Session: Think first, then act – architecture for a better tomorrow Speaker: Malin Sjölund Olsson and Omar Zalloum, Arkitekterna Krook & Tjäder AB

Since the pressure on the planet is increasing every day, we as architects need to increase the sustainability levels of our projects today to meet the higher sustainability demands of the future. It is in the early phases, while the cost of implementation is low, that we can create a greater impact and should have the courage to do the right thing, even in times of uncertainty. When taking new steps towards sustainable and circular architecture, it is equally important to have access to the right digital tools as well as being creative together, co-create and share insights in a more analogue manner. Based on Malin and Omar´s joined experience within sustainability and parametric design, the focus of the talk will be on sharing experiences from working with digital and analogue tools in early phases and how the processes are changing. How we used to work, what struggles we are facing today and what we see coming? 

Malin Sjölund Olsson

Malin Sjölund Olsson

Arkitekterna Krook & Tjäder AB

Omar Zalloum

Omar Zalloum

Arkitekterna Krook & Tjäder AB

Session: Reaching An Open Approach to Technology. Speaker: Andy Watts, Grimshaw
The dynamic between technology and design has shifted and will continue to shift, but this evolving relationship is not always seamless. Challenges of adoption, integration and collaboration, can be tackled through open dialogue that enables change and works with the transformative qualities of technology. Drawing on experience from Grimshaw, as well as wider industry conversations, Andy Watts will provide thoughts and insight on how the industry needs to work together to embrace technology.

Panel discussion: Fire Safety in BIM – chain of information and sustainability. 

The fire discipline has stepped into BIM and started to take a more natural position in the design process. We highlight what the entire information chain looks like and how the various stake holders use the fire information – from the contractor to the facility management who will use the information for the entire lifetime of the building. 


Breakout sessions

The Way We (should) Work. Speaker: Bridget White and Knut Ramstad, Nordic Office of Architecture

In this talk, Bridget and Knut will share their thoughts on how new technologies can facilitate workflows for the future of design and construction, illustrated by current examples of advanced collaboration, data-driven design, decision-making, circular economy, and communication processes. The AEC industry is now facing challenges that should inspire all actors to shift the way they work radically. Technology should enable our project teams to deliver ensured, informed projects with seamless collaboration across platforms, better connection to people and data, and provide the digital tools we need to validate our decision-making processes through analysis and visualisation.

Bridget White

Bridget White

Nordic Office of Architecture

Knut Ramstad

Knut Ramstad

Nordic Office of Architecture

Session: BIM development in Bane NOR. Speaker: Kristin Lysebo, Bane NOR

Bane NOR is focused on the development of BIM, both in terms of standardization, collaboration and safety. The presentation will look at where we stand today, which development projects and processes are currently underway and what we envision in the future. Information management and digitalization are very important areas going forward. In addition concrete plans on the subjects, we are also looking into the crystal ball. 

Session: How do software tools and their workflows measurably impact the efficiency of how we deliver Architecture? Speaker: Meera Lad & Aaron Perry, AHMM

We use various Digital Design tools, software, plugins, and workflows to deliver architecture at AHMM. We took a step back to deeply understand where we, as a practice, get that right and where we could improve. In an in-depth review of AHMM projects, the tools they used and the outputs they needed to deliver, we completed a significant exercise to identify and promote optimum workflows, which has generated our digital strategy for 2023 and beyond.

Continued Panel discussion: Fire Safety in BIM – chain of information and sustainability. 

The fire discipline has stepped into BIM and started to take a more natural position in the design process. We highlight what the entire information chain looks like and how the various stake holders use the fire information – from the contractor to the facility management who will use the information for the entire lifetime of the building. 

Session: Reaching New Heights: Maximizing Adoption & Value of Software Investments. Speaker: Amanda Wachendorf, Eagle Point Software
Are you worried that your organization isn’t getting the benefits from your technology investments? Join Eagle Point Software’s Amanda Wachendorf as she delivers strategies around driving adoption and value from software and specialty technologies. You’ll walk away with new skills, knowledge, and guidance on ensuring your technology investments get used to their fullest potential.




Keynote: Cloud strategies for a sustainable future. 

The construction industry is at a turning point. New technologies, new ways of working and new requirements. Successful collaboration between different parties will be a must. At the same time it is absolutely essential to trust your platforms and ensure you have your data stored safely. What are the key questions I need to ask myself when developing our cloud strategies? Do we need to choose between stronger collaboration or safe data?  


Panel discussion


Nordic BIM Summit Awards

17:30 - 18:15

Breakout Session

Dynamo Everywhere – what happens when you try to use Dynamo where you’re not supposed to?. Speaker: Thorbjörn Hoverberg, Symetri

Dynamo is only available for a select few Autodesk applications but recently I came across an extremely technical method of using Dynamo in whole new places. Using the magic of the Interop and with quite a lot of help from Python I invite you down my rabbit hole of connecting software that probably has no good reason being connected. Or do they? Bring a beer and Let’s find out…


"After Work". Join our partners and continue the dialogue!

In Oslo we will get a presentation of our event location Deichman by Marius Mowe, project architect of the Deichman library, and Einar Hagem, the discipline leader of the project.


In Stockholm: Presentation of Hasselbacken

We have invited Daniel Christensen, CEO 3E Entertainment, to talk about Hasselbacken, the event location in Stockholm, and the interesting history of the building.


Mingle and Award Dinner/Party

Day 2

CET (Central European Time)


Let's start up day 2


BIM - the fundament for project lifecycle management

Is BIM outdated or should we continue to invest? In this keynote Theo will share Autodesk’s perspective of the future of BIM and how it will continue to be foundational in enabling the digital transformation of the AEC industry. As we approach the next phase of BIM; moving from a file-based digital process to granular data and platforms, the demand for a fully digitalized asset lifecycle is becoming increasing more importantly for capital asset owners. Theo will share’s insights into how Autodesk is looking to support the industry’s need for a “better” BIM process along with key innovations that will transform the way we design, build and operate capital assets.


Building wellbeing within planetary boundaries

The construction sector is a key consumer of resources. In his presentation, professor Kuittinen will discuss the role and possibilities of the building industry for mitigating climate change and biodiversity loss. Radical measures of circular economy and changes in consumption patterns will become necessary in the next decades.


Redefining smartness in cities

Sami Lankiniemi and Minttu Vilander will address what this means for Sitowise. They will also share insights into their strategy and how digitalization will lead the business development. 


Panel discussion

With keynotes from Autodesk and Sitowise




Breakout sessions

Session: IFC. Stig Johansen, Consto
Stig will take about the possibilities for information storage and how to use the IFC models throughout the entire construction.

Session: Collaborating Globally: How COLT leverages Autodesk Cloud solutions to optimise project collaboration, Ashley Weir, COLT

This session will explain how COLT are currently using Autodesk Cloud solutions to enable our project teams to deliver the design and construction in a more collaborative manner. This session will explain how COLT lever Autodesk solutions in the design, delivery & handover phase

Session: How to scale your investment in Technology. Pontus Bengtson, Autodesk.
We all know that buying a license or signing up for a subscription is the easy part when it comes to investing in technology. Then, the hard part begins with implementation, and achieving return on investment. Pontus will discuss different approaches for scaling and implementing technology drawing on his experience as Head of Project Technology at WSP and from his current role at Autodesk working with customers. Pontus will also share his thoughts on manoeuvring in the paradox of using global out of the box tools while harnessing his expertise in fulfilling specific local needs. Finally, he will address, a perhaps somewhat controversial thought around how organisations use their experts and superusers in implementation work.

Session: Skanska – Present and future deliveries. Speaker: Linn Areno, Skanska

New digital technologies create new opportunities for the construction industry. Are we really utilising them to their full potential and levering them for improved deliveries? By developing the digital deliveries to our projects, we will get both more accurate and high-quality models and data. In this session we will focus on how a higher standard of delivery gives us an added value from a couple of perspectives. We will look into the importance of having accurate data in the model from start, correct materials specifications early on and perhaps most important that teams feel proud about their work. We believe that this in turn will make it easier to see the full picture and deliver on our sustainability targets. Is now the time for our business models to fully reflect a digital first reality?

Session: Use of BIM in Facility Management. Speaker: Ingar Madsen, Oslo Science Park




Breakout Sessions

Session: Forecast: Cloudy with great chance of rain.
Thomas Ludvik Næss, Infinigate
The cloud journey has been ongoing for more than 20 years, still a lot of uncertainty exists. Moving assets to the cloud could be compared with putting the keys to your home in a stranger’s pocket and automatically trust that person. What are the risks and are there in fact benefits by using cloud-based services or even moving parts or your entire company to the cloud? This session will give an overview of common sense when it comes to the cloud, and how you can expect security to be an essential part of your fellowship in your journey to the cloud.

Session: The business paradigm shift of construction. Dag Engström, Plan B

Dan will give an overview of key macro trends affecting the state of the construction industry, leading to a coming paradigm shift in business models towards the digital economy. 

Session: BIM for Infra, what’s the deal? Anna Neidenström, Trafikverket and member of the steering group at Building Smart International

Now is the time to implement BIM within infrastructure! With IFC4.3 data exchange becomes easier within infrastructure projects. In Sweden, the combination of open standards and changes in business models will change the way many of us work.

Anna Neidenström

Anna Neidenström

Trafikverket and member of the steering group at Building Smart International

Session: Taking Digital Twins to the Metaverse. Jack Strongitharm, Unity
Using Unity’s Digital Twin development tools, products and web services platform, harness the power of BIM and many data sources for use cases. From the Internet of Things (IoT) for smart buildings and facilities and going well beyond a visualization to many use cases to experience your Digital Twins with interactivity in XR devices in your Digital Twin Project Metaverse.


Breakout Sessions

Session: Noida International Airport – an integrated project delivery using Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro. Speaker: Kristine Slotina, Nordic Office of Architecture

As the construction of Noida International Airport gets underway, it is time to reflect on the lessons learned after delivering the fully digital project with an architectural team spread across the globe - Norway, UK, US, India – Nordic- Office of Architecture, Grimshaw, Haptic and STUP. Yamuna International Airport Private Limited (YIAPL) in summer 2020 selects an international team to design Noida International Airport (NIA) in Delhi. Although this could sound challenging, having a cloud-based technologies allowed a seamless digital collaborating across the world. Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro together with other services became essential in the project development and the collaboration across the world. This session will show the different parts of the cloud-solutions that worked and raise discussions on what could be improved in future projects.

Kristine Slotina

Kristine Slotina

Nordic Office of Architecture

Session: Leveraging databases in design. Speaker: James Bell, Ridge and Partners
Whether for coordination purposes or as a client deliverable, 3D building models continue to develop to increasing levels of detail. We will explore how this geometry can be determined by a set of design criteria and the workflows that can be used to assist designers.

Session: Zero Carbon Future. Speaker: Jan Tore Bugge, Symetri

Symetri Technology are working on solutions to help the industry to design buildings with less CO2 emission. A sneak peak on what to come later this year.




New ways of doing business

Business innovation session on the topic "New ways of doing business", for a discussion on the future of business models. The speakers will share their insights on how businesses will be affected and evolve moving forward.

Kristine Slotina

Kristine Slotina

Nordic Office of Architecture


Disrupt or Die

Per Sundin talks about how the music industry has changed in recent years. How the record companies have had to change and re-think the way of business. What differs those who have coped with all the changes or redirected towards new markets from those who didn’t? Per goes into important success factors for companies that are able to develop in line with the outside world. You will also get an insight into the activities around Pophouse Entertainment.


Summary of Nordic BIM Summit 2023

Agenda overview

Alf Rehn

Alf Rehn

Professor of innovation, design, and management, University of Southern Denmark
Alf Rehn is a globally noted thought leader in innovation, trends, and creativity; a sought- after speaker, an author and a columnist, as well as a well-regarded commentator on leadership and organizational culture. He has held the Chair of Management and Organization at Åbo Akademi University in Finland, a professorship of innovation and entrepreneurship at the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden, and is currently a professor of innovation, design, and management at the University of Southern Denmark.
Per Carlsson

Per Carlsson

Senior Director Nordics & Ireland, Building & Infrastructure

Per joined Symetri in 2008 and has since held several leadership positions within the company. He is today responsible for Symetri sales and operations for the Building and Infrastructure industry in the Nordics. With 20+ years of experience in the software industry, Per is passionate to make a difference in the industry and believes strongly that digitalisation is the answer to our challenges with urbanisation and sustainability.

Theo Agelopoulos

Theo Agelopoulos

Vice President - AEC Design Strategy, Autodesk

Theo serves as Vice President or Autodesk’s AEC design business, which includes AutoCAD, building and infrastructure design. Over the past decade, he has led various efforts in driving Autodesk’s AEC design business growth, including business and go-to-market strategy, industry thought leadership, marketing, partnerships, and M&A. He also played a key role in Autodesk’s overall business model transformation as it transitioned from a perpetual to a subscription business.

Cathrine Mørch

Cathrine Mørch

Director Digitalization and development, Statsbygg
Cathrine Mørch, Director of Digitization and Development at Statsbygg, has extensive experience from the consulting industry and the implementation of large projects in and outside Norway. Throughout her career, she has for many years contributed to establish a framework for standardization, management of best practices and digital development in large companies, both in this country and in several European countries. She aims to lead the necessary transformation into a more productive and sustainable industry. Photo: Erik Burås/Fremtidens Byggenæring
Matti Kuittinen

Matti Kuittinen

Professor of Sustainable Construction, Aalto University
Dr. Matti Kuittinen is professor of Sustainable Construction at Aalto University's Department of Architecture. His scientific work focuses on climate change mitigation by bringing together architecture, engineering and ecology. Dr. Kuittinen is also a Senior Ministerial Adviser at the Finnish Ministry of the Environment where he develops policies for low carbon construction and the circular economy. As an architect, he designs carbon-efficient buildings and humanitarian construction.
Tonje Værdal Frydenlund

Tonje Værdal Frydenlund

Director Acquisition & Business Development Nordics, Snøhetta
Tonje Frydenlund, studied Landscape Architecture at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences and at Cal Poly State University in San Luis Obispo, California, USA. Additionally, she has further education in management, project-management, and elite coaching. Tonje joined SNØHETTA in 2001 and has been part of the Management since 2004. From 2013 -2019 she was Managing Director for Snøhetta Oslo, focusing on the Nordic and European market, and since 2019 she has worked on Business Development in the Nordic region. With over 25 years of experience in the architectural industry, she has been part of multiple projects nationally and internationally. Tonje is passionately pushing the sustainability agenda within the building industry and is currently the Chair of the Research Center on Zero Emission Neighborhoods in Smart Cities and the Chair of Norwegian Green Building Council.
Minttu Vilander

Minttu Vilander

Chief Communications and Corporate Responsibility Officer, Sitowise
Minttu Vilander believes engineers and software developers will save the world – and that the rescue work will take place in the built environment, especially in cities. She has been creating brands and communications for companies in the built environment for years and sees that people should better understand what kind of miracles are performed in engineering companies. For the past three years, she has also led group level sustainability development of Sitowise, a Finnish listed company. She sees lot of opportunities in the new legislation but feels there is a huge job to be done. New requirements need to be incorporated into everyday practices and corporate culture – and that’s not easy task to do. Before jumping into engineering world, Minttu worked for a long time in the background of political decision-making, which is why she sees that there is a huge need of communication and transparency there where major changes take place – especially in companies.
Sami Lankiniemi

Sami Lankiniemi

Head of Innovation, Sitowise

For over 10 years Lankiniemi has worked in the forefront of transforming our built environment to be more sustainable, livable, and future proof. He has helped the industry, in Finland and across Europe, to identify its societal and climate responsibilities and to create common practices, tools and shared understanding. His ambition is to maximize the industry's positive value creation and impact to the society and environment. Additionally, Lankiniemi believes in the power of green tech and has worked with numerous companies from tiny startup teams to multinational corporations to discover, understand and unlock the underlying business potential of sustainable digitalization in real estate and construction. Currently Lankiniemi leads the AI development, "The Smart City Lab", Sitowise’s platform and expert community for innovation.

Panu Pasanen

Panu Pasanen

CEO, One Click LCA

Panu Pasanen is the CEO and founder of One Click LCA, the world-leading life-cycle assessment software for the built environment, used in over 140 countries. He is advising governments and businesses on carbon reduction and scaling up decarbonisation programs for manufacturers, designers, builders, developers and investors. He's spearheading the One Click LCA's BIM strategy to automate Life-Cycle Assessment and carbon optimization. For more information visit

Per Sundin

Per Sundin

CEO, Pophouse Entertainment
Group CEO of Pophouse Entertainment since 2019. Before that, I was the President of Universal Music Nordic Region and the Managing Director of Universal Music Sweden for more than a decade. Pophouse is the first non-US/UK player to invest in top-chart music IP rights on a global scale. We are first and foremost a creative development company, nurturing the value of our investments by building artist brands in ground-breaking ways, unlocking new geographies and target audiences. As a former label executive, I first built Sony BMG and later Universal to become regional market leaders in the Nordics. I've been working closely with artists such as Avicii (who I signed when his artist name was Tim Berg), Swedish House Mafia and ABBA. I contributed to the music industry shift to a streaming revenue model, by becoming the first label executive to partner with Spotify in 2008.
Mike Malkin

Mike Malkin

Senior Director Autodesk ACS Sales, EMEA
After 17 years as an Engineer in the Process Industry, Mike joined Autodesk in 2004 and has worked across most of the industry sectors as an individual contributor, sales manager and sales leader in Named Accounts for both Manufacturing & AEC. More recently leading the Global Digital Manufacturing team for Additive, Subtractive and Simulation solutions. Mike now heads up the ACS Sales team in EMEA, looking to rapidly grow the Autodesk Construction Cloud to take customers to the New Possible in Construction, across the whole construction ecosystem. Mike lives in Macclesfield in Cheshire, England with his wife Julie and 3 grown children. In his spare time, he enjoys renovating his 460-year-old house and collecting guitars, even though he says he’s still not very good at playing them.
Mikko Viertola

Mikko Viertola

Chief Technology Officer

Mikko joined Symetri in 2011 and after leading the Manufacturing Business Unit for several years he became CTO in 2020. He now leads a global team of professionals responsible for the Symetri Technology portfolio as well as focuses on discovering new technologies that reinforces Symetri’s competitive advantage and smart use of technology internally to enable streamlined processes for our operations. With 25+ years of experience of business development in industrial companies, Mikko is passionate about helping our customers and colleagues to reach their goals by smart use of leading edge digital solutions.

Stig Johansen

Stig Johansen

Development Manager BIM and Digitalisation, Consto
Stig Johansen is Development Manager for BIM & Digitization at Consto AS. He has worked with practical BIM since 2005 and has accumulated extensive experience with the use of BIM in the entire construction process from the early stages to handover.
Dan Engström

Dan Engström

Head of the business area Innovation, Plan B
Dan Engström is head of the business area Innovation at Plan B in Göteborg. He holds an adjunct professorship in Construction logistics focussing on digitized construction at Linköping University. He has twenty-five years of experience with R&D and innovation in the building sector, particularly on industrial construction. His work experience includes major actors like Veidekke, NCC, Ramböll and WSP.
Pontus Bengtson

Pontus Bengtson

Business Development Executive, Autodesk

Pontus Bengtson is a Senior Business Development Executive at Autodesk, with 30 years of experience in the AEC industry. He excels in driving business growth, digital transformation, and customer engagement. Known for his strategic thinking and problem-solving skills, Pontus inspires teams to achieve their best. He is also actively involved in the Swedish AEC industry through the Smart Built Environment initiative, contributing to projects that enhance digital collaboration and information management.

Kristin Lysebo      

Kristin Lysebo      

Section leader BIM and geomatics at Bane NOR 
Kristin has worked at Bane NOR since the autumn of 2014, and before that she has 25 years' experience with interdisciplinary planning and course lecturer for planning software. In her current job, she is responsible for both BIM and geomatics throughout Bane NOR, and manages the business area with 23 full time employees. One of the most important development processes is an internal improvement program in Bane NOR to standardize information from development projects to operations, including seamless information flow between Bane NORs systems.
Angie Mendez

Angie Mendez

Architect and Technology Director at A-lab
Angie is a qualified architect and throughout her career has specialized in BIM through work with the development and implementation of technology in the construction industry. She is pragmatic in her approach to the subject and concerned with how technology can contribute to property developers reaching their goals faster and with a better result. 
Aaron Perry

Aaron Perry

Head of Digital Design, AHMM
Since joining AHMM in 2015, Aaron’s been responsible for Digital Design across the entire practice, its multiple offices, stretching all live and future projects. More specifically, this involves mitigating risk, engaging client/contractor/design teams, managing infrastructure and software, driving change and inspiring new and existing staff to embrace digital design authoring, review and visualisation technology.
Meera Lad

Meera Lad

Digital Design Application Specialist, AHMM
As part of AHMM’s Digital Design Group for over 2 years, I support, guide, train, and resolve technical issues with architects during their digital delivery of projects. During this time, I have focused on finding ways to improve the productivity and efficiency of AHMM’s digital practises and developed a keen interest in the visualisation tools used to creatively capture building designs.
James Bell

James Bell

Associate Architect, Ridge and Partners
James joined Ridge in 2012 as a part 2 architectural assistant. He has since progressed to associate architect and now has over 10 years’ experience in the industry delivering projects including complex technical facilities, campus design and education. He is driven to innovate and keen to disseminate lessons learnt. Coupled with an interest in software and hardware, he now works with a team to develop best practice principles within Ridge.
Daniel Christensen

Daniel Christensen

CEO, 3E Entertainment
Anna Neidenström

Anna Neidenström

Senior Specialist BIM, Swedish Transport Administration (STA)
Anna Neidenström holds the position of Senior Specialist BIM within the business area of Investment at the Swedish Transport Administration (STA). She is also a member of buildingSmartInternational InfraRoom steering comittee. Anna posess more than 20 years of experience working with BIM-related issues, information management, design requirements, process development etc. The focus has always been on improving and finding new opportunities to increase productivity and to work smarter. At STA Anna is involved in the implementation of BIM across the organization. This include not only the strategic level but also to support various projects acting as BIM Manager and BIM strategist. A part from this Anna is also involved in projects for R&D and various internal projects focusing on BIM and intelligent data. Since 2021 Anna is part of the InfraRoom steering committee working with the Infraroom roadmap and different whitepapers. Prior to the Swedish Transport Administration Anna has worked among others at NCC Construction as head of VDC for Infrastructure, at Autodesk as a business consultant and at Sweco as a VDC specialist.
Amanda Wachendorf

Amanda Wachendorf

Director of Product Management, Eagle Point Software
Amanda Wachendorf joined Eagle Point Software in 2018 and currently serves as the Director of Product Management. With an educational background in social work and psychology and more than five years of experience working with some of the world’s largest architectural, engineering, and construction firms implementing learning strategies, Amanda has a firm understanding of the challenges organizations face when working to stay on the cutting edge of technology. Prior to her current role, Amanda also led the Customer Success, Customer Support, and Content and Services teams at Eagle Point, giving her a unique perspective on the changing needs of firms in the AEC and manufacturing spaces.
Jan Tore Bugge

Jan Tore Bugge

Product Manager Naviate

Jan Tore Bugge is the Product Manager of Naviate for Revit. Jan Tore has many years’ experience from the computer tech industry within the AEC field. With a passion for helping people implement better workflows and methodology for a quality outcome.

Ash Weir

Ash Weir

Head of BIM, Colt Data Centre Services

As the Head of BIM at Colt I manage a team of BIM Managers & Document Controllers on international projects covering 4 key regions. My role is to set global BIM standards for COLT and oversee the management of Digital Tools for Delivery Construction and Operations. I also play a part in governance, design, H&S, E&S, construction, commissioning and operational requirements at COLT. My team are also responsible for Business Analytics / Reporting and looking into the latest technologies available to us to improve our current processes.

Linn Areno

Linn Areno

Manager Construction, Development and operations; Skanska Sweden

Linn Areno, Manager Construction – Development and operations Skanska Sweden. Linn has a background in Architecture and been working with BIM and digitalization for a long time now, mostly focus on developing new way of working and taking care of change among people. With a background as a consultant, a Digital Coach in construction Linn has a broad range of knowledge in order to support the entire construction process. Today Linn is focused on outcomes in digital solutions within both streams of Buildning and Civil för Skanska.

Jack Strongitharm

Jack Strongitharm

Solutions Engineer for AEC, Unity in EMEA

Jack is the Solutions Engineer for AEC at Unity in EMEA. He has industry experience as a civil and site engineer and previous technical expert at Autodesk and Faro. Advancing BIM models and projects to make BIM Interactive for Digital Twins using the power of Unity as part of his role at Unity.

Marius Mowe

Marius Mowe

Founding partner of Atelier Oslo

Marius Mowe has experience with developing complex projects in urban context, and was a project architect for the Deichman library, leading the architect team from competition to completion. Atelier Oslo is an award-winning architecture studio designing environmentally friendly buildings and transformation projects. The office portfolio ranges from urban development projects to single-family houses, cabins, and installations. With attention to space, people, and the environment, we develop rich and multifaceted projects. Our working method is rooted in curiosity and interdisciplinary collaboration, contributing to innovative and sustainable solutions. Atelier Oslo was founded in 2006 by Nils Ole Bae Brandtzæg, Thomas Liu, Marius Mowe and Jonas Norsted, and today consists of 15 architects with varied and international backgrounds.

Einar Hagem

Einar Hagem

Architect and founding partner, Lundhagem

Einar Hagem has extensive specialist experience in leading projectgroups for environmentally and energy-efficient urban development and construction in dense cities with demanding adaptations in protected building environments. He has, among others, been the discipline leader for Deichman's library with Passive House standard within Future Built, and he was the discipline leader for Sophus Bugges Hus on Blindern - total rehabilitation of a protected building to meet modern technical requirements and BREEAM Excellent certification.

Fredrik Hiort

Fredrik Hiort

Senior Partner, Briab
Fredrik Hiort graduated as a Fire Safety Engineer from University of Lund in 1990. Fredrik has throughout his career mainly been working in different fire consultancy companies. In 2001 Fredrik was on of the founding partners of Briab Brand & Riskingenjörerna AB. As the CEO of Briab from 2006-2019 Fredrik established the company to be one of the leading fire safety and risk consulting companies Sweden both in terms of excellence and size. Today Fredrik is a Senior Partner with a focus on transforming Briab as well as the fire engineering community into a digitalized workflow using BIM technologies.
Zrinka Radic

Zrinka Radic

Architect and Project BIM lead, Zaha Hadid Architects

Zrinka is an Architectural Designer with particular interest in design technology. She has an expertise in Building Information Modelling and Computational design. At Zaha Hadid Architects, she has been working on projects thought all design stages, from competitions to construction documentation stages. She has profound experience in BIM workflows and methodologies, preparing documentation packages and BIM coordination with different stakeholders as well as automation. She is currently overseeing BIM on multiple projects in Scandinavia and the Baltic regions.

Thorbjörn Hoverberg

Thorbjörn Hoverberg

Application Engineer Revit Architecture, Symetri
Jonas Sjövall

Jonas Sjövall

Head of BIM and VDC, Partner BOX Bygg

Jonas has for the past 10 years been working with BIM-related challenges and information management. At BOX Bygg Jonas has been involved in the implementation of BIM and developing the framework for the design processes. Always looking for new ways to work more efficiently in the business, Jonas has also as a strategist developed software used in the construction business. Now he is engaged as a senior design manager in all of BOX Bygg projects. The largest project is city planning for over 4500 residents and related infrastructure. The latest focus for Jonas has been on Net Zero Carbon projects, wood structural buildings, and the UK ISO 19650 standard.



Property Director, Oslo Science Park

Ingar Madsen, Property director at Oslo Science Park, has extensive experience in facility management. Throughout his career he has many years worked in large private and public companies with property development and Facility management.

Bridget White

Bridget White

Senior Architect, BIM Director; Nordic Office of Architecture

Bridget is an architect and a leader of Nordics design technology team. She has a passion for digitalised cross discipline workflows for collaboration and for the integration of digital tools in all phases to improve circularity. Through industry innovation, Bridget has worked to develop new workflows for modular design and construction, rehabilitation and reuse, and improve projects in their early phases with the use of data and analysis in design decision making. She is a firm believer in using digital design tools to enable project teams, rather than altering design workflows in order to fit with technology.

Knut Ramstad

Knut Ramstad

Partner and CTO at Nordic Office of Architecture and Professor at NTNU

Knut Ramstad is the Head of Technology and Sustainability at the Nordic Office of Architecture in Oslo. He brings over 30 years of experience in the advanced use of 3D technology and virtual reality in design, decision-making, quality control, and communication for large construction and urban development projects, both in Norway and internationally. As an architect and director, Knut has gained valuable insights into how design technology can enhance project development processes and improve the quality of the built environment. In addition, he holds a position as a professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

Kristine Slotina

Kristine Slotina

BIM Manager, Constructing Architect, Techno-Anthropologist; Nordic Office of Architecture

Kristine has multidisciplinary background. She is educated in Master of Science in Techno - Anthropology and Bachelor in Architectural Technology and Construction Management and worked as a Constructing Architect, BIM Coordinator/Manager and BIM Director in Nordic Office of Architecture. She has experience with coordinating BIM deliveries for large projects – f. ex. Bergen Airport Flesland and NOIDA International Airport. In addition, she also enjoys joining smaller projects to get hands-on work with architectural deliveries and introducing new technologies to the office. She is passionate about working in an integrated project teams and the collaboration between AEC industry experts and how digitalization is affecting that. She explores that further through her academic work.

Andy Watts

Andy Watts

Director of Design Technology, Grimshaw

Andy is the Director of Design Technology at Grimshaw and leads the practice’s global Design Technology team, overseeing digital discipline such as computational design, BIM, extended reality, urban computation, applications development and environmental performance.

Malin Sjölund Olsson

Malin Sjölund Olsson

Sustainable stategist and Architect, Arkitekterna Krook & Tjäder AB

With a background of 20 years of working as an architect Malin decided to focus entirely on sustainability. And rather than change employer Malin decided to stay and change her position at Krook & tjäder. Since 2019 she works as a sustainability strategist at Krook & Tjäder in Sweden and Norway. The mission is to integrate sustainability as a framework for good architecture. In a creative environment it´s essential to meet and understand the ambitions and driving forces of her coworkers. The only way forward is to encourage and build on people’s strengths. Malin’s ambition is to meet the needs for others to be able to do good. To create a supporting system of structure, culture and knowledge for them to use as a framework in their daily work.

Otto Pohjola

Otto Pohjola

Fire safety engineer, Paloff/BST

Fire safety engineer who has gained his expertise from a wide range of building types and projects in Finland over the past ten years. Otto has been involved in once in a life time kind of projects and also on more common ones. Biggest building project being 200 000 m2 sized logistic building. Many conversion and historical building projects are also well presented in Otto´s work history. Being active member of desing team from the early draft until building taking into use have provided Otto very broad understanding on fire safety matters and about building projects in general.

Omar Zalloum

Omar Zalloum

Architect SAR/MSA, Arkitekterna Krook & Tjäder

Omar Zalloum is an architect with a master's degree in sustainable architecture. Besides his role as an architect, he is an active member in both the sustainability team and the parametric design team at Arkitekterna Krook & Tjäder. He is working on tools development and the digitalization of the workflows to ensure a higher level of sustainability throughout the design process.  One of his interest areas is circular architecture and its connection to BIM. He also works with building performance simulations, mostly daylight analysis. 

Thomas Ludvik Næss

Thomas Ludvik Næss

Managing Director, Infinigate AS

With a quarter of a century with experience in the Cyber Security landscape, Thomas brings great understanding of how security truly can drive business enablement. By understanding the risk in whatever you do and leaving nothing to chance, you have a better foundation for digitally transforming your business. His background consists of solid sales and leadership experience from companies such as Trend Micro, Cisco, NTT and now Infinigate where he serves as a Managing Director.


Jon Forssell

Jon Forssell

Moderator in Stockholm

Jon Forssell is professional moderator, speaker and business advisor on innovation and behavioural change. As our moderator, Jon will bring both energy and focus, but also provide context and perspective by drawing on his extensive experience from moderating events within a wide range of industries and business sectors, including real estate.

Maddy Savage

Maddy Savage

Moderator in Stockholm
After a decade as a BBC staff reporter and radio presenter in London, Maddy moved to Stockholm in 2014. She is now a freelance journalist focussed on Nordic business and lifestyle trends, and has written extensively for BBC Worklife, the BBC's digital platform for stories about getting ahead in our rapidly changing world. She has also reported for leading global media including US Public Radio network NPR, HuffPost, The Sunday Times and Monocle magazine. Maddy is a regular moderator at some of the region’s most prominent tech and media events.

Winners Nordic BIM Summit Awards 2023

Congratulations to Ramboll Norway and Appelquist Architects.


Appelquist Architects

They have pushed the boundaries of what is considered normal while working in Revit. The constantly work on taking the model to the next level, using it  for stunning visualizations, details, model take off and also for manufacturing and thus building a connection with other software's in a truly unique way.


Ramboll Norway

A company that has taken a great step into BIM and 3D, within a field that traditionally have been associated with 2D drawings. In 2019 they took a strategic decision with the goal of becoming a leader in BIM and Fire Safety in Norway and with a desire for stronger ownership in projects. Today, more and more customers see the value of having a fire model in interdisciplinary assembly models.

Best New BIM Use

This prize recognizes companies or individuals that have had the courage to move the use of BIM into new areas. 


An individual or company who has made an important impact by using BIM in an unconventional, creative and smarter way leading to improved ROI and sustainability gains. 

Best Industry Collaboration

This prize recognizes companies or individuals that have had the courage to move the use of BIM into new areas. 


An individual or company who has paved new grounds in the way they collaborate with other parties/companies. By doing so they have pushed the boundaries for how integrated projects contributes to a better future. 

The Jury

We are glad to announce our jury that consist of members from our partner Autodesk, previous winners, customers and Symetri.

Àstridur Elin Àsgeirsdottir

Àstridur Elin Àsgeirsdottir

Head of VDC, Per Aarsleff A/S

For more than 18 years, Ástríður Elín Ásgeirsdóttir has worked with BIM/VDC implementation within the building and construction sector, where she has been involved from the beginning, focusing on the function and value creation within the design and execution phases. It has been a long technological journey, focused on change management and collaboration between partners and other colleagues, aimed at preparing all parties to use the advantages of BIM/VDC. Today, Today she is the head of the VDC organization at Aarsleff, primarily working on building the organization, implementing strategy, and developing VDC services at all project stages. Eight years ago, Aarsleff made the decision to implement VDC within the organization. Since then, the organization has grown to comprise more than 40 employees. During this growth period, the focus has been on the implementation of digitalization through VDC in the building industry.

Marius Nytrøen

Marius Nytrøen

Senioringeniør / Produktdesign, LARK
Morten Nilaus Jensen

Morten Nilaus Jensen

Territory Sales Manager - AEC Midmarket Nordics, Baltics and Iceland, Autodesk
Morten has more than 10 years of experience in sales and management combined, with a total of 15 years in the IT industry; specialized in sales leadership, people development, complex sales, account management, business development, business strategy and communication. Specialties: Sales, B2B Marketing, Business Development, Strategy and Brand Management, ALM, Systems Engineering, Solution Selling, Value Selling, Customer Centric Value engagements, Negotiation.
Per Carlsson

Per Carlsson

Senior Director Nordics & Ireland, Building & Infrastructure

Per joined Symetri in 2008 and has since held several leadership positions within the company. He is today responsible for Symetri sales and operations for the Building and Infrastructure industry in the Nordics. With 20+ years of experience in the software industry, Per is passionate to make a difference in the industry and believes strongly that digitalisation is the answer to our challenges with urbanisation and sustainability.

Winners Nordic BIM Summit Awards 2022

Congratulations to Kristoffer Flygare at Bravida and LARK Landskap AS.


Kristoffer Flygare, Bravida

This person has a great BIM engagement regarding the Förbifart Stockholm project. Being an MEP company utilizing the BIM information and technology in order to achieve greater results and more effective workflow. An open thinker who is not afraid to go outside of the box.


LARK Landskap AS

This company decided that they would take a leap from designing in 2D to full BIM. To ensure better collaboration in projects, to win more projects – and to have more fun at work. Looking back the past 2-3 years, this is exactly what they have achieved.

In one of their largest projects ever, the company showed courage when they chose to present its concept to the roof garden at Økern Portal directly through the 3D model. The design created enthusiasm and ownership with the Builder who therefore chose their proposal over the original vision.

Our partners for the Nordic BIM Summit 2023

Diamond Partner: Autodesk Autodesk is changing how the world is designed and made. From greener buildings to smarter products to mesmerizing blockbusters, Autodesk software helps our customers to design and make a better world for all.
Platinum Partner: Eagle Point Software Pinnacle Series is an unparalleled e-learning system that increases efficiency, improves project quality, and boosts employee retention.
Gold Partner: One Click LCA Making carbon assessment & LCA easy and affordable. Our vision is that the construction industry will manage carbon as it manages cost. This means measuring, reporting, and reducing carbon are default parts of business practices. And we provide practical solutions to make this happen.
Silver Partner: Unity Create and grow real-time 3D games, apps, and experiences for entertainment, film, automotive, architecture, and more.
Silver Partner: QD We are the IT partner with the perfect size! Whether it concerns specific services such as Servicedesk or QD Cloud, or an overall delivery of the IT department as a service, we always do our best to deliver with high quality and personal commitment.
Silver Partner: Novorender AS Novorender is a Norwegian software company allowing engineering teams to share their advanced 3D-models with employees, customers and business partners, regardless of 3D formats and file sizes.
Silver Partner: Spacemaker Spacemaker is an intuitive, collaborative, cloud-based AI software that empowers architects, urban planners and real estate developers to design high-quality site proposals.
Digital Partner: Solibri Solibri puts you in control of model quality. The right tools for the right people, Solibri takes your quality assurance to a whole new level and helps ensure the information flows seamlessly from design to build. No more hiccups – the future of building better is here.

Contact me if you would like to be a partner at the Nordic BIM Summit.

Mikaela Nilsson

Mikaela Nilsson

Sweden Partnership Manager AEC


Nordic BIM Summit 2023 is a hybrid event. Network with other professionals in the building and infra industry by participating live in Stockholm or in Oslo.

The event in Stockholm will take place at Hasselbacken and the event in Oslo will be at Deichman.



The first restaurant at Hasselbacken was called Dunderhyttan, which opened in the mid-1700s. Back then, it was an establishment with five tables and some twenty chairs. Now it is a popular establishment and next door you find some of Djurgården’s most famous places. Skansen, ABBA The Museum, Cirkus, Vasa Museum and other sights are within walking distance from the hotel.



Oslo's new main library, Deichman Bjørvika, is located between Oslo Central Station and the Opera house. Situated across the road from Oslo’s Opera House, the new Deichman Library has been designed with its surroundings in mind.


There are several hotels nearby the event location in Stockholm and Oslo. We suggest these hotels for your stay.

Stockholm Hotel Hasselbacken Get 15% off with the code "Symetri". Valid when you book 23-26th of April. Book
Stockholm Hotel Backstage Get 15% off with the code "Symetri". Valid when you book 23-26th of April. Book
Oslo Hotel Thon Opera We recommend Thon Hotel Opera where the Award Dinner will be held. Book

Do you have any questions, contact us!

Note that this is not the registration form for the event!